Friday, February 11, 2011

Countdown to BOOTCAMP SEASON!!!!

Well well well here we are after a long well did you do? Have you made any New Year Resolutions in regards to Fitness and Nutrition? I hope so. If not it's never too late! My advice? Set Mini-Goals...then pat yourself on the back as you achieve them.....for example. Trying to get in the habit of drinking more water (I am always trying to trick myself into more water especially in the cold weather). Set a goal! I will drink 2L of water everyday for 2 weeks and take my vitamins as directed. Then after 2 weeks, pat yourself on the back and continue with the good habit and add another layer to it.....I will get out for a (personally appropriate fitness activity) perhaps a brisk walk....perhaps a 20 min run, perhaps a 45 minute swim doing laps least 2 times per week for 2 weeks....

Continue your new great health habits and check into to sign up for our 2011 Spring Bootcamp program! Should all be posted and active by Monday February 14th!

I look forward to seeing YOU in BOOTCAMP! So git yer FITNESS ON!